R1DB001 (latest)
- Released on SEUS for the K750 on 14/09/06.
- Software versions:
Camera 5.3
- Released by DaVinci Team around 19/05/06.
- Released on SEUS for the K750 on 22/05/06.
- Increased Camera software version. Photo and Video quality, however, do not appear to have changed noticably.
- FIX: The Animated menu items bug for Themes is mostly resolved. After applying a theme with an animated menu, we still need to go to the Settings or Calls menu to start the animation, but it will not disappear again after this.
- JBenchmark 3D LQ: 206
- JBenchmark 3D HQ: 125
- JBenchmark 2: 333
- JBenchmark 1: 3934
- Software versions:
Camera 5.3
ITP CXC 125 932 R1B
- Released on SEUS for the K750 on 9/3/06.
- Free memory is now listed in MB instead of KB.
- Photos are now taken as soon as the shutter sound is heard.
- Slight increase in speaker and headphone volume.
- Slight increase in phone responsiveness.
- FIX: Background noise during lower volume calls ('hissing bug') now fixed.
- FIX: Picture zooming bug fixed. Pictures larger than 1632 pixels wide and/or 1224 pixels tall can now be zoomed into.
- FIX: All USB transfer issues now fixed.
- FIX: Increased stability in PhotoDJ and VideoDJ applcations.
- JBenchmark 3D LQ: 202
- JBenchmark 3D HQ: 126
- JBenchmark 2: 340
- JBenchmark 1: 3889
- Software versions:
Camera 4.5
ITP CXC 125 932 R1B
- Released on SEUS for the W800 around 2/12/05.
- Released on SEUS for the K750 around 9/12/05.
- Earpeice volume louder
- Fixes MS Duo file transfer issues.
- Rotating and zooming into pictures is faster and displays an egg timer whilst processing.
- Menu navigation (particularly when displaying thumbnail images) feels faster.
- External speaker sound level increased
- Headphone sound level increased (by approximately 1 bar)
- Reduction of noise when playing low volume MP3s
- Further Contrast / Gamma modifications have been made to the display to improve screen image quality.
- Software versions:
Camera 4.5
ITP CXC 125 932 R1D/E
- Released on SEUS for the W800 on 15/10/05.
- Improved battery life over R1N035.
- Fixes for low-tonal audio issues.
- Fixes for Bluetooth audio issues.
- BUG: MS Duo bug still present with this firmware. See the R1N035 entry for possible fixes.
- Released by SEUS on 12/9/05.
- Video bitrate improvements over R1L (as good as R1A044)
- Improvements to photo quality (less noise in dark photos, improved viewfinder refresh rate).
- Bluetooth stability improvements.
- Bluetooth security fixes - no longer asks for file confirmations with paired devices.
- Contrast / Gamma modifications have been made to the display for a better overall picture.
- Improved reception (the signal strength indicator tends to be higher than in previous firmwares).
- Increased MP3 volume.
- Backlight doesn't come on again to show time after phone locks.
- Popup menu icon in the WAP browser has been modified.
- Fixed "More" menu when adding addresses to an email message.
-file transfer bug: when transferring large quantities of files via USB from PC to phone, file will mysteriously vanish, or will end up corrupt (use a card reader instead)
- JBenchmark 3D LQ - approx 204
- JBenchmark 3D HQ - approx 123
- Software versions:
Camera 4.5
ITP CXC 125 932 R1E
- Released by SETool on 30/6/05
- Test firmware
- Known bugs with this firmware
- Released by DaVinci on 22/6/05
- Released on SEUS 30/6/05
- Fixes the O2 GPRS issue introduced in R1J
- Video recording quality as R1J (i.e. inferior to firmwares previous to R1J)
- JBenchmark 1: 3880
- JBenchmark 2: 335
- JBenchmark 3D LQ - approx 201
- JBenchmark 3D HQ - approx 121
- Software versions:
Camera 4.4
ITP CXC 125 932 R1B
- W800 brown (pre-release) firmware
- Released on SEUS 13/6/05
- Standby crash fixed / improved.
- Increased call and Media Player volume.
- Games menu operates much more smoothly.
- Smoother video playback
- General UI performance improvements
- Improvements and bug fixes to Bluetooth headset support.
- The auto focus beep sound has been changed.
- Saving a photo to the Memory Stick is now quicker.
- New MP3 folder on Memory stick
- Fixed the month names in the calendar for various european languages.
- Camera sounds are muted when in silent mode in some firmware locales (EU_1 , but not EU_3).
- Minimised Media Player icon changed.
- SMS 'to' text now black (previously white).
- A "Fully Charged" message is now displayed on screen when the phone has finished charging.
* PROBLEM: GPRS comms has been broken on many O2 phones and some phones from other service providers.
* PROBLEM: Video recording quality (bitrate) has been reduced.
- JBenchmark 1 - approx 3908
- JBenchmark 2 - approx 344
- JBenchmark 3D LQ - approx 205
- JBenchmark 3D HQ - approx 114
- Software versions:
Camera 4.4
ITP CXC 125 932 R1B
- Vodafone specific (K750 only)
- Released around 3/6/05
- No reported changes from R1A044
- As is the case with the K700, Vodaphone's R1C004 supports DRMed MP3s only.
- Software versions:
Camera 3.8
ITP CXC 125 932 R1B
- First release (K750 only)
- JBenchmark 1 - approx 3894
- JBenchmark 2 - approx 334
- JBenchmark 3D LQ - approx 131
- JBenchmark 3D HQ - approx 89
- Software versions:
Camera 3.8
ITP CXC 125 932 R1B
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Related K750i Links from this blog
New K750i OS X Tiger Themes
K750i Update Firmware Step by Step
K750i R1BC002 Firmware Improvements
K750i R1AA008 Firmware Improvements
K750i - JBenchmark
You can watch K750i camera quality on my K750i photoblog or my K750i Flickr.
Keywords: kk750i kfirmware
[Source: David Helan - Blog]