Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My Red Sony Ericsson K750i (modded to W800i) Tweaks

My Red Sony Ericsson K750i (modded to W800i) Tweaks
7 Min. - 04.03.2008

Here I show you some tweaks I did to my mobile phone. I'm not called mobilephone2003 for nothing :-PMy phone is a CID49 RedI used Gslide to add patches to the phone (such as lock keypad and flashing ring), XS++ to customise files in the phone (such as menu mod) and a W800 firmware (to apply walkman feature).I found a link to a blog that contains rapidshare links to all 3:http://guilleml.wordpress.com/2008/03/03/patching-k750i-red49/


[Source: Google Video - Videosuche [sony ericsson+blog]]